Without a doubt, the best way to present "Queen's Music" is in an off-beat musical.
While Freddy Mercury's music was often too loud and repetitious, it did lend itself to a dark vision of the future where old rock and roll music and instruments have been banned.
The story revolved around an attempt by the rebels(i.e. Bohemians) to recover memories of early rock history. There's much humor about this and who these early performers were. (e.g. The Pelvis, etc.)
The only way Earth can be saved from the bad guys (i.e. "GlobalSoft") is for the rebels to discover "The Dreamer" who will fulfill the prophesy about the return of rock guitars and real rock music.
The best production numbers were "Radio-Ga-Ga", "Somebody To Love", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" and "We Will Rock You".
The weakest tunes were done by a big Jamaican woman called "The Killer Queen" who should have been a drag queen.
This musical doesn't rate as highly as "Momma Mia" or "The Jerseys Boys". I can only give "We Will Rock You" three stars. It's still worth one viewing anyway.
Posted by qualteam
at 2:24 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 1 March 2009 3:03 PM EST